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Business Support

When you start a business, there are lots of things you’ll need to consider and address from the outset. You’ll need to source information, make decisions and take action. As your business grows, none of this stops. Put simply, at any stage of setting up, running or building your business, the support of a good quality VA can be the difference between building your business – or merely just balancing it. Business Support services include…

Business Mentoring

As a qualified coach as well as a professional VA, I can work with my clients to mentor them in many aspects of their business and personal development.  This support empowers my clients to think strategically and objectively about their business, and gives them the confidence to take control. If you think that mentoring could be beneficial to you and your business, be sure to let me know – even if you don’t think you need any of the other services on offer through J’s Office Services.

Business Development

Your business is up and running, but is it developing? It’s a proven fact that a new business owner who continues to learn and develop both personally and professionally is much more likely to be successful. To support you throughout your business growth here at J’s Office Services, I can offer business advice, strategic reviews, action plans and tailored guidance as part of what I can do in addition to being your VA. Even if you’re only just thinking about going self-employed for the first time, give me a call.

The 6M Series

You’ll need to keep your eyes on the website over the coming months, as J’s Office Services officially launch the 6M Series – a suite of training courses focusing on 6 key business foundations of Mindset, Money, Management, Marketing, Materials and Masterplan. Combining years of training and experience within coaching, business support and development, I’ve created a package enabling clients from all walks of life, and at whatever stage of their business, to become more empowered, efficient and effective in their business development.

Watch this space, or give me a call now to get a head start!

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