PA Services
I can free up time in your busy day to address your admin so that you can stay on top – and even get ahead – of the work required from you to run,
manage and build your business. PA services include…
Email Correspondence
Monitoring and responding to emails in a constructive and courteous manner.
Diary Management
Scheduling appointments, meetings and reservations for your calendar.
Powerpoint Presentations
Creation of online presentations and sourcing of supporting delivery aids.
Travel Arrangements
Booking of flights, trains, hotels, taxis and transfers.
Event Management
Sourcing, negotiating and booking of venues, catering, audio visual equipment, and handling event registration, promotion and management.
Document Management
Creating documents of any type and for any purpose, including letters, training materials and spreadsheets.
Internet Research
Web searches for specific information; collated for your ease of reference.
Client Liaison
Dealing professionally with your clients in a truly personal manner.
Data Entry & Processing
Handling your data to collate, store and present it simply and clearly for your ease within the system of your choice.